[Nodxa] Avoiding critical malware when using XP

Williams, G (AF8C) af8c at alumni.caltech.edu
Tue May 16 18:10:41 EDT 2017


  Microsoft has issued patches for all their operating systems (except
Windows 10 which apparently does not need it) for preventing this week's
ransomware malware. This even applies to Windows XP.
(No not the non-NT systems like Win 98! But I doubt if those systems would
be attacked.)

Go to:


which is a catalog.  Find XP SP3 from near the top, and click the download
button on the right, and install the patch.

For XP SP2 that patch is near the bottom of the list.

In between are other patches for 8.x etc.

If you are running the higher levels of Windows and are getting the
automatic patches every month, you got your patch already back in March.

Good luck.

--73, Glenn, AF8C

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