[Orion] Orion CW Keying - Minor glitches

Charles W. Shaw chas.shaw at verizon.net
Mon Dec 15 01:52:03 EST 2003

This may have been reported before and I failed to see it.

Noted during the ARRL 10M Test (CW Only):
	Using computer generated CW input via the rear panel CW key jack (79) and 
also by using the front panel Send buttons
	--if either the "Cut" encoder or the "PBT/BW" encoder are adjusted while 
CW is being transmitted, the CW speed and inter-character/character spacing 
is affected.  It is not a severe thing but certainly noticeable, especially 
at contest CW speeds.
	Sometimes it is convenient to narrow the BW while sending a report in 
anticipation of probable difficulty in copying a report back from a weak 
station, etc.

Charles Shaw - N5UL
Hobbs, NM 

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