[Orion] Question about noise floor

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Wed Nov 12 10:05:26 EST 2003

Barry N1EU wrote:
 >This isn't to say that Orion owners can't learn how to make best use of 
the AGC through practice.

         Very true!  I know MUCH more now than I did when I got Orion on
August 20, but I still don't understand WHY some of the settings work
the way they do, and that still bothers me.

 >Perhaps whatever processing algorithm is behind this would explain why 
some folks have characterized the Orion as sounding noisy with no antenna 
connected . .

         True, but you can make it sound VERY quiet simply by adjusting the
AGC Threshold.  My guess is that other radios use an AGC Threshold
that is in the 3 uV area that is now the default for Orion.  If you set
it to the minimum 0.37 uV, it does indeed sound very noisy with no
antenna connected.

         Lest anyone get the impression Orion is a noisy receiver that can't
hear the weak ones, my experience in the CQ WW SSB was the opposite.  It
had the QUIETEST passband I have ever heard in a contest, allowing me to
more easily copy weak callers the first time.  Since I probably had more
DX QSO's on 10 meters than any other USA station including all the Multi-
Multi's, please don't conclude that Orion cannot hear weak stations.  On
the other hand, if you're my competition, please DO conclude that <VBG>.

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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