[Orion] [TenTec] Comments from an ORION user

Martin AA6E msembx-aa6e at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 5 07:44:20 EST 2005


It's always useful to get new user's reactions to the Orion.  I'm sure
TT has heard many but not all of these before.  In particular, I
support your comments about the use of the LCD "real estate".  The
filter graphic does mean something, and eventually you will figure it
out.  But the information could be presented in a hundred better ways! 

About the big blank space when the (semi-useful) sweep is off:
According to the schematics, the Orion does have a clock chip built in,
so it should be easy (well, possible!) to show time of day.  If that's
too hard, maybe TT could show a randomly selected "fortune cookie"
message? "Your audio is admired by everyone on the band."  "Thank you
for buying a Ten-Tec product." hi.

Please also send your list direct to ditsnbits at tentec.com.

I have a log of my first year's experience and suggestions at
http://www.aa6e.net/aa6e/blog/ , if you're interested.

73, Martin AA6E

--- "G.C." <g.crosta at tin.it> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> here few comments after the first trial period with the TT Orion.
> My first comment is: I like the gear "but.....", always we have
> comments an I would like to see my gear improved, if it could be
> possible.
> I know many other ham wrote their suggestions.
> - The S meter and power analog indication are approximate and without
> the damping action to protect from the needle knock.
>   So TT should make some action to solve definitively the defect.
> - The second receiver bar graph S meter is totally useless and by
> removing this indication TT could have a free area useful to
> re-arrange better 
>    the screen.
> - I would like to know your opinion about the filter (PBT and BW)
> graphic presentation. At the present is totally useless, inaccurate
> and ugly.
>   So why TT should occupy portion of the screen for a bad indication?
>   TT could study a different graphic solution and perhaps we could
> have a more readable presentation.
> - Sweep display below 72 KHz is completely useless. I would suggest
> to have few settings: one for +/- 18 KHz and the second for +/- 36
> KHz.
>   TT should try to get a better solution. Otherwise remove it.
> - When the sweep is OFF the same screen area could be useful to show
> the UTC and Local time, isn't it? As an option, obviously.
> - As we need to calibrate the internal 500 and 250 Hz filter could it
> be possible to generate an internal signal for this and other purpose
> too?
> Do you think It could be possible to introduce these and other
> possible changes in a future firmware release?
> Could we reach an agreement about the possible changes?
> Please let me know your comments with positive and constructive
> suggestion.
> I hope also the TT company would take in account and record our
> comments.
> Thanks.
> Beppe IZ2ABU
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