[Orion] [orion565] Orion Problem

Steve Grewe sgk0sx at tds.net
Sat Mar 5 11:36:55 EST 2005

Hi Bob,
When  first got my Orio back last June, I had a similar problem.
The reciever worked fine for about a 1/2 hor or so, then signals faded away and began hearing what sounded like out of band signals. I had no control over this and did not know what was going on. I decided to transmit and see if in fact the vfo was tracking the same way, and it was .
This problem on mine showed up on 17 meters.
I called Ten Tec and they said return the radio. I did and the problem they discovered was with the PLL board if I remember correctly.
They replaced the board and returned the orion. Worked fine ever since.
I hope this helps.
Steve K0SX

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