[Orion] Orion SWR readout

HENRY PFIZENMAYER pfizenmayer at worldnet.att.net
Sun Mar 13 19:57:44 EST 2005

The SWR readout on my Orion jumps around between 1:1 up to as much as 1.4
:1 (usually jumps between 1:1 and 1.2:1 while I am transmitting on CW - at
first I thought I had an antenna problem - but watching the SWR meter on my
external antenna tuner shows no funny business and - last night when I saw
it pop up to 1.4:1 is the worst I have seen. I can run this antenna at a KW
with no problem so I am pretty sure there is no funny business at 100 watts.
 (40 meters but much the same on 80 )

Possibly related to all this see below -

Now if you have read this far - I just tried changing from my Drake MN2700
ant tuner to the TT 238B  tuner  before I hooked up the Centurion.

First , at 20 watts , you cannot set senstivity high enough to read SWR.
Takes 30 to 40 watts to get to SET. And feeding a dipole that is about
 2 to 1 at 3501 khz , the whole setup is so numb that I cannot detect
 any difference between 1:4 to 1 down to 1:1.
The SWR bridge goes to zero and stays there over this range

Second , the SET  or SWR readings are chattering around
- never noticed that with the MN2700 and its better
damped metering.

Finally , when I look at the "power out" on the Orion I see the meter
chattering about one small division on the meter. This is either in
TUNE or key down with power set anywhere up to fiull power.
 Also happens on every band. Also see it direct into dummy
 load with nothing else  connected. At about 55 on ten
meters  it jumps about two divisions into the dummy load.

 Is this normal ?????

Is this another DSP artifact???

Or is it time to send this thing back ????

RGds- Hank K7HP

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