[Orion] Orion SWR readout

Grant Youngman nq5t at comcast.net
Sun Mar 13 23:54:34 EST 2005

My Nye Power Meter has "jitter" in the peak reading while transmitting CW --
depending on exactly when in the cycle the output power is sampled (this has
nothing to do with the Orion).

I'm trying to figure out how the bit of jitter in the Orion's power meter
reading is either a nuisance, or affects one's communications capability, or
one's ability to operate a station.  This 'tentec has to fix this ASAP"
thing, complete with web expose' is just over the top.  

As far as the 7800 and it's simulated, calibrated-to-the-nats-arse,
D'Arsonval movements  -- they're pretty, oh yes, so pretty,  I'll give you
that, but relatively meaningless is any practical sense and certainly not
worth the price.

We just keep on finding things to be incensed about -- I suppose because
we're better engineers or something :-)


> The power jitter is a known problem. (To some of us users - I 
> don't know what Ten-Tec knows!)  It's mostly (entirely?) a 
> measurement problem in the Orion.  See info & videos at 
> http://www.aa6e.net/aa6e/orion_pwr.html .  The effect is 
> larger at some power levels than at others.

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