[Orion] C.F. Adj for 600 Hz and 300 Hz filters?

Mike Cheponis mac at Wireless.Com
Sun Jan 8 01:08:42 EST 2006


For those who have the 600 Hz and 300 Hz filters in the O2, what are the typical "C.F. Adj" numbers you are seeing?

I've found that the "tune for maximum smoke" on an S-7 carrier yields a very broad peak, hard to tell the center.

It's much easier to, say, tune either side down the skirt to, say, S-5, and then split the difference - but this assumes that the low and high skirt are the same, and I don't know that they are.


I've adjusted mine using the audio spectrum analyzer that is built into MMTTY.  I get:

  600Hz filt: +60 Hz "C.F. Adj"
  300Hz filt: +30 Hz "C.F. Adj"

Dunno if this is "normal".

Thanks!  -Mike K3MC

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