[Orion] C.F. Adj for 600 Hz and 300 Hz filters?

Barry Gross barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 06:25:39 EST 2006

On 1/8/06, Mike Cheponis <mac at wireless.com> wrote:
> I've adjusted mine using the audio spectrum analyzer that is built into
> MMTTY.  I get:
>   600Hz filt: +60 Hz "C.F. Adj"
>   300Hz filt: +30 Hz "C.F. Adj"
> Dunno if this is "normal".

Yes, it looks like you did a proper job of it Mike and those are reasonable
adjustment numbers.  This is not a critical adjustment and the numbers will
vary from unit to unit.

73, Barry N1EU

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