[Orion] Firmware update SHould it take this long

Sherman Banks w4atl at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 9 17:33:44 EDT 2007

It is not normal.  I do have trouble with a fast update when I use my 
USB-serial converter embedded in my Microkeyer.  It takes a long time 
(10 min.)  If I connect directly to a serial port on my laptop then I 
can upgrade in about 1 minute.

Make sure you are using a built-in serial port and not a USB-serial 
adapter or any other goofy serial port we hams are sometimes forced to use.

KO1H wrote:
> Hi all, I am attempting to update the firmware on my Orion.  I had to connect it directly to a serial port.  That is ok,  But It inidcates 9554 lines of code and after about 6 hours it has processed about 2450 lines. Is this normal?  Computer is a 2.4 ghz P3 running widows xp w/ 1.5 gigs of ram.  Is it normal to progress this slowly?  At the current rate it will finish about 6pm tomorrow night.  This just doesnt seem right.  
> Let me know if Im missing something
> Thanks all 
> de John ko1h
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