[Orion] OMNI VII keyer upgrade

ac5e at comcast.net ac5e at comcast.net
Wed Oct 10 07:03:55 EDT 2007

Well, since the shack is pretty much a blivet, forty pounds of stuff in a two pound sack, I don't have the Omni VII yet.  Or the Orion II, since I would be most unwilling to move my Orion to put another rig in.  Heck, sometimes I have to put something in the hall to let Critter, the ham shack cat, in.  Makes my wife mad, somewhat! 

But my solution to various keying situations has been an accessory keyer that will do what I want to do.  Right now, the arthritis is kicking up and it's much easier for me me to type. So an MFJ  493 is between the Begali and the Orion, plugged into the accessory dongle. When that bad company slacks off the keyer and keyboard go in the drawer and I use the Begali that is plugged into the back panel key jack.  And when the guys start running bugs with that big "Banana Boat  swing," the Mac key  plug goes in the CW jack on the front and I swing away with the rest of the bunch.  So there's always a solution. 

There are many excellent keyers on the market, surely there is one with exactly the feature set you want until John Henry can add the features you want to the VII. And you may find that accessory keyer so handy you keep it on line.  I have left the MFJ set on 18 wpm,  the Orion's keyer at 35,  and just move my arm to go from fast to slow code. Very handy. 

73  Pete Allen  AC5E

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