Peter Vestergaard pete at vestergaard.mail.dk
Sat Sep 8 06:03:47 EDT 2007

SAC SSB Contest 2007
Fra Mats SM6LRR er kommet følgende:

Hello dear Danish Ham-Radio friends!

During Scandinavian Activity Contest (SSB part), September 22-23
(1200-1200 UTC), I am despite low sunspot numbers trying to challenge
the All Time High record for Non-Scandinavians.

As one of the goals of the contest is to work as many call areas from
each Scandinavian (Nordic) country, I would be very pleased to work as
many different OZ stations as possible on all bands
(3.5/7/14/21/28 MHz).

I will be looking for you around the following frequencies: 3750,
7050. 14175, 21275, 28575 KHz.

Hope to hear and work as many OZ:s as possible!

73 de RK3AWL (op. SM6LRR)
Mats Strandberg, Moscow, Russia

73 Peter OZ5WQ

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