[OZ-CONTEST] IARU HQ: OZ1HQ 2010 - update pr. 02.06.10
Jan Thøgersen
jan at thogersen.dk
Wed Jun 2 08:17:37 PDT 2010
>> Hej Jørgen & Co,
>> Det her ser rigtig godt - og lovende - ud ! Vi er simpelthen, for
>> første gang i nyere tid, i færd med at samle det bedste af det
>> bedste som huset formår - dét her skal nok give resultater !
>> Jeg synes stadigvæk at vi skal gøre alt hvad der står i vores magt
>> for at få OZ5KF på 40 el. 20 m SSB - det vil vi ikke fortryde, når
>> vi skal til at tælle points op ! ( Per forsøger hårdnakket - Godt
>> gået ! ) - så må vi andre indrette os derefter. Vi kan f.eks. nøjes
>> med at køre ét bånd hos os eller evt. ændre det ene...eller også må
>> Kenneth ( når han er færdig med at sole sig i æren for at have fået
>> startet det her :-) - Jeg tror vi er mange der synes at idéen har
>> mange fædre...hi-hi ) - Det er dejligt at se din entusiasme,
>> Kenneth ! Way to go !!!! - og som Nils Bo siger; Vi får virkelig
>> brug for dén når vi skal gøre os gældende i Scandinavian Activity
>> Contest senere på året. Hvis det bliver os der skal flyttes rundt
>> med, skal vi nok lige kigge på bemandingsplanen igen...
>> De to gæsteoperatører fra vort sydlige naboland er Manfred, DK2OY
>> ( SSB, CW ) og og Wolfgang, DL3LAB ( CW ), som flere gange har kørt
>> oppe fra mig og er meget effektive operatører.
>> Måske OZ1FJB kan finde et andet sted til 80 m CW ? Han kender jo en
>> masse store antenneanlæg...
>> Så vil jeg desuden foreslå at vi alle har en åben skype Chat -
>> account på skærmen under contesten, så vi kan opretholde holdånden
>> undervejs ( kan downloades gratis på http://www.skype.com ) og at
>> vi her i dette forum deler vores screen-names forud for testen.
>> Sidst vi gjorde det, vard et både sjovt og brugbart at have kontakt
>> allesammen.
>> IARU-testen er jo i virkeligheden også verdensmesterskaberne i
>> vores hobby. På en mark udenfor Moskva vil amatører i hold fra hele
>> verden ( dog ikke nogen fra Danmark....Thomas...Alex...??? )
>> samtidig kæmpe om at placere sig bedst muligt i løbet af de 24
>> timer. For at få det bedst mulige Log Checkingsmateriale, vil de
>> gerne have så mange logs ind som muligt indenfor 6 timer, for at
>> kunne finde vinderen medens deltagerne sover ud efter testen.
>> Derfor har de udskrevet en test-i-testen, som vil give points alt
>> efter hvor mange af de deltagende verdensmesterskabs stationer man
>> får kørt. Vi skulle have gode chancer for en god placering, hvis vi
>> allesammen umiddelbart efter testen får indsendt en .adif-fil af
>> vores log til Jørgen, som så kan samle dem i een log og få den ind
>> til tiden. Lad os gå efter dén også ! ( hvis vi vinder i Multi Op /
>> Mixed, skal de af med en masse T-shirts hi-hi...
>> Reglerne for denne test kommer her:
>> World Radiosport Team Championship 2010
>> Awards and Prizes for HAM Radio Community
>> Dear friends,
>> To encourage the HAM radio community worldwide to make contacts with
>> WRTC-2010 participants during the IARU HF Championship contest the
>> weekend of July 10-11, 2010, we would like to announce our special
>> awards and prizes program.
>> WRTC-2010 awards, special plaques, T-shirts and trophies will be
>> issued based upon the following rules:
>> 1. QSO points
>> - All WRTC stations will use distinctive callsigns from the block
>> R30A
>> - R39Z. The same WRTC-2010 station may be worked once on CW and once
>> on SSB on each band (80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m). The WRTC stations will
>> not operate on 160m.
>> - Each confirmed two-way CW or SSB QSO with a WRTC-2010 station
>> counts 1 point.
>> 2. The logs
>> The WRTC Committee needs as many IARU contest logs as possible to
>> create the QSO data base it will use to cross check the WRTC
>> competitors' logs. We ask all stations working the IARU contest to
>> please send copies of their electronic, Cabrillo formatted logs to
>> logs at wrtc2010.ru or upload them to http://www.wrtc2010.ru/upload no
>> later than 18:00 UTC on Sunday, July 11, 2010 (Note: this is only six
>> hours after the end of the contest). The subject field should
>> contain
>> your contest callsign, e.g., "Subject: RA5AA".
>> The Committee guarantees that these logs will be used only to
>> determine winners of the WRTC awards and prizes, and for cross
>> checking the WRTC-2010 teams' logs. Please understand that sending
>> us
>> a copy of your log does NOT constitute a log submission for the IARU
>> HF Championship; for that, you should also e-mail your log to
>> IARUHF at iaru.org.
>> 3. Awards and Prizes
>> WRTC-2010 Certificate:
>> For making 50 QSO points with the WRTC-2010 stations in any
>> combination of modes and bands.
>> WRTC-2010 Special Trophy:
>> For making QSOs with ALL WRTC-2010 Stations on CW
>> For making QSOs with ALL WRTC-2010 Stations on SSB
>> For making QSOs with ALL WRTC-2010 Stations Mixed
>> WRTC-2010 T-shirt:
>> DX: for making 100 QSO points with WRTC-2010 stations
>> EU: for making 180 QSO points with WRTC-2010 stations
>> ITU Zone 29: for making 140 QSO points with WRTC-2010 stations
>> WRTC-2010 plaques:
>> WRTC-2010 plaques will be issued to the stations with the highest
>> number of QSO points in the following categories:
>> Worked all WRTC-2010 - Single op CW
>> Worked all WRTC-2010 - Single op SSB
>> Worked all WRTC-2010 - Single op Mixed
>> Worked all WRTC-2010 - Multi op CW
>> Worked all WRTC-2010 - Multi op SSB
>> Worked all WRTC-2010 - Multi op Mixed
>> WRTC-2010 plaques will be awarded for each of the following areas:
>> Europe Asia
>> North America
>> South America Africa
>> Oceania
>> USA Japan
>> HQ stations
>> European Russia (R1-R7) Asiatic Russia (R8-R9)
>> Asiatic Russia (R0)
>> The complete list of WRTC-2010 station callsigns will be published on
>> the WRTC WEB site 1 day before the contest.
>> We also ask you to cooperate with requests from R30A-R39Z stations to
>> move to another band or mode with them for a new multiplier or QSO.
>> WRTC-2010 Organizing Committee
>> www.wrtc2010.ru
>> Let´s go for it !
>> Bedste hilsener fra Stjær,
>> Jan, OZ1ADL
>> http://www.thogersen.dk/Site_2/What_is_happening_at_OZ1ADL/What_is_happening_at_OZ1ADL.html
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