[OZ-CONTEST] SAC sponsored plaque payment

Peter Müller peter at irc.dk
Mon Sep 8 00:18:55 EDT 2014

Til info, del gerne videre til andre kredse :-).


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Kim Östman [mailto:kim.ostman at student.tut.fi] 
Sendt: 6. september 2014 08:46
Til: la9dfa at online.no; thomas at oz1aa.com; sm5txt at dunderklump.se;
otradalur at gmail.com; veijo.kontas at nokia.com; elefa at wippies.fi;
sm0imj at gmail.com; sm6mcw at skara.net; oh6cs at pp.inet.fi; olof at rowanhouse.net;
tomi.ylinen at luukku.com; rune.wande at bahnhof.se; esa.korhonen at ppp.inet.fi;
mail at oz1bii.dk; pamp at ihf.rwth-aachen.de; sm2dmu at sk2kw.se; mike at sm3wmv.com
Cc: 'Ingemar Fogelberg'; 'Bjørn Bergheim'; '"EDR HF Contest Manager,
OZ3ABE."'; 'Annika Wahlström - OH2HSJ'
Emne: SAC sponsored plaque payment

Dear all,

Thank you again for committing to sponsor one or more special plaques for
the Scandinavian Activity Contest! International announcements regarding
this year's SAC, including the plaque program, will soon be sent out to a
variety of reflectors and groups around the world.

We have now set up a formal PayPal arrangement, where the Finnish Radio
Amateur League (SRAL) acts as the recipient and treasurer of the sponsorship
payments. The Nordic SAC Committee then arranges the practical matters of
ordering and mailing the plaques each year.

The payment instructions are given below, and I would like to request that
you make your payment by Friday 19th September at the latest. Please send me
a quick e-mail note when you have done so.



SAC Sponsored Plaque Program payment instructions with PayPal

1. Log in to PayPal (create an account if necessary, and then attach a
credit/debit card to it).

2. Click "Send Money" on the top menu row.

3. Make the payment to hq at sral.fi in Euros, and choose "I'm paying for goods
or services".

4. When you get to the page "Review your payment and send," please scroll
down to the section "Email to recipient".
In the Subject field, write "SAC Sponsored Plaque Program," and in the
Message field, write the names of the plaque(s) your are sponsoring and the
year(s) for which you are doing it with this payment. See
http://www.sactest.net/blog/rules/sac-sponsored-plaque-program/ for plaque
name references.

5. Scroll upward, click "Choose Shipping Address" and select "No shipping
required". Then press "OK".

6. Scroll down and click "Send Money", and you're done with PayPal. 

7. Please send an e-mail note to oh6kzp at sral.fi. Thank you for your support
of SAC!

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