[OZ-CONTEST] Amateur radio event about "ENIGMA" ciphering machine

Henning mail at oz1bii.dk
Wed Sep 7 14:22:57 EDT 2016

Til din information - måske det har din interesse.
Vy 73 de OZ1BII Henning
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Fra: Cristiano Cornini IW4CLV [mailto:iw4clv at arifidenza.it] 
Sendt: 5. september 2016 17:27
Til: Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører
Emne: Amateur radio event about "ENIGMA" ciphering machine

Dear President,

We are pleased to announce an international event which will hopefully be of interest to all Ham Radio operators :

from September, 17th to October, 1st

The main goal of the Enigma Event is to promote as much radioamateur’s activity as possible all over the world, celebrating the history of the Enigma cipher machine and its crucial role in the outcome of World War II, and spreading the knowledge of those key people who contributed to its decryption.

The Enigma Event 2016 will take place in two steps :

- From 17 th to 30 th September 2016, Italian and foreign Amateur radio stations registered as "Activator stations” will ensure the activation of their radio stations in order to allow to the participants getting their scores for the "Enigma Award".

- On October 1 st, the final event’s day, the Activator Stations will exchange predefined CW messages previously encyphred by a real or emulated Enigma machine.

All details and rules are available on the official website : http://www.enigma-reloaded.it/index.php/en/ 

Project made possible by:
Museo Tecnico Navale della Marina Militare della Spezia (Coordinator)
Associazione Culturale Rover Joe - Fidenza (PR, Italy)
A.R.I. - Italian Amateur Radio Association
A.R.M.I. - Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani

As mentioned above, we believe that is mainly interest  all Ham Radio operators , so please notify it to your associated OM and /or your webmaster/website .
Best regards and 73's de

Cristiano Cornini , IW4CLV
A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club President

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