[RFI] Horizonal Sweep Noise

Fraser Robertson Fraser Robertson <F.G.Robertson@open.ac.uk>
Wed, 8 Jul 1998 11:51:24 +0100

Try unplugging the TV aerial lead.  If it goes away you need more ferrites
on the downlead, sometimes one isn't enough.  If it's not the downlead then
try ferrites on the mains lead.  If it's direct radiation you're pretty
73 Fraser G4BJM

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-rfi@contesting.com [mailto:owner-rfi@contesting.com] On Behalf
Sent:	08 July 1998 11:38
To:	rfi@contesting.com
Subject:	[RFI] Horizonal Sweep Noise


Has anyone had success eliminating horizonal sweep noise from a
screaming TV?

Horizonal sweep at 15.75 khz is rich in harmonics and often couples with
the A/C line or cable feed and actually backfeeds acting as an antenna.
If you hear a raspy a/c note on the HF bands especially 20 meters and
below every 15.7 khz apart that's whats going on.

I put a hefty common-mode ferrite choke mixture #43 on the offending
TV(neighbor) and noticed a slight decrease but not enough to amount to

Does anyone have any other ideas other than asking my neighbor to but
another TV.


New Orleans, Louisiana

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Questions:                owner-rfi@contesting.com