[RFI] [Fwd: Fw: [SWL] A lot of noise]

tduffy tduffy <tduffy@sygnet.com>
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 14:09:02 -0500

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Subject: Fw: [SWL] A lot of noise
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Maybe something to post on the RFI reflector.

From: Addiego, MIchael <Michael.Addiego@us.schroders.com>
To: 'swl@qth.net'
Subject: [SWL] A lot of noise
Date: 12 March, 1998 20:48

	I have this problem. I bought this Optimus AM/FM radio because
of its exceptional range (and price). Yet when I plug it into the house
electricity, I hear this loud buzzing noise which goes on throughout the
whole AM band (expect for two very strong stations in New York City). I
haven't checked to see if this would happen if batteries were used. I
don't think so though. I know that one of the culprits if the massive
halogen lights that we have. But the nose still is there when the light
is turned off. I don't have this problem on FM. Hmmm.....
	None of my other radio experience this problem, so I was
wondering if perhaps I need to purchase a filter of some sort for the

Mike Addiego

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