[RFI] Snap on split beads; coax high-pass filter recommendati ons

Jon Ogden Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com>
Fri, 03 Dec 1999 18:57:47 -0600

on 12/2/99 9:18 AM, EDWARDS, EDDIE J at eedwards@oppd.com wrote:

> [Ed-K0iL]  I disagree Jon.  I have not found 77 mix to work very
> good at all across the HF bands where 43 mix almost always has worked for
> me.  This is all very anecdotal, but the numbers that the Palomar guy quoted
> seem to match my experience with them.
> I have tried 77 mix on audio rectification problems from 14 MHz
> signals and it had absolutely no effect.  (I actually thought it might've
> been a little worse!)  Whereas the 43 completely eliminated it using same
> size toroid.  
> Have you really had good results using 77?

Well, I just found some of the paperwork from my order from Amidon on
ferrite material.  Type 77 is indeed what I bought and what Earl at Amidon
recommended for frequencies up to 30 MHz.  I have the large cores with on my
speaker wires, TV, etc. and it does indeed work well.  Could I have gotten
away with fewer cores, wraps, etc with type 43 material?  I have no idea.  I
was using what the engineer told me to use.  Why would it benefit Amidon to
sell material 77 over 43 if it was the wrong thing?

So yes, I would have what I call is good success with Amidon's Type 77



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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