[RFI] RF Interference To My Computer Sound System

Bob Garrett Bob Garrett" <rgarrett@sunlink.net
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 00:32:33 -0500


The heading pretty much says it all.  This problem is evident especially on
80 meters.  I have Lansing Johnson speaker system on my computer and the
interference to  the speaker system is deafening on 80 meters.  I am using a
shunt fed tower for transmit on 80 meters.

Now, are we simply talking toroids on the speaker leads here or somthing
more in depth?  Would it help to install a balun at the shunt feed point to
illiminate any stray RF from traveling on the RG213?  Any input appreciated.

One last point, the problem is very pronounced on 80 but is also noticable
on 160 and when the yagis are pointed at the house.  Tower is 100 feet from
the house.

73 and Happy Holidays,

Bob K3UL

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