[RFI] RF Interference To My Computer Sound System

Jon Ogden Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com>
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 23:44:44 -0600

on 12/26/99 11:32 PM, Bob Garrett at rgarrett@sunlink.net wrote:

> Now, are we simply talking toroids on the speaker leads here or somthing
> more in depth?  Would it help to install a balun at the shunt feed point to
> illiminate any stray RF from traveling on the RG213?  Any input appreciated.

For 80 meters a type 77 material torroid would be the best.  Get a medium
sized one and put as many turns of your speaker wires around it as you can.
The best place to put it is likely near the speakers.

I have one of these on mine and it takes the interference out completely.
My computer in my shack has speakers in the monitor and they were horrible
until I put the torroid on.  Now, I get no RF problems at all with them.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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