[RFI] Cable RFI

SDDB@aol.com SDDB@aol.com
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 08:52:06 EST

Regarding the posts from K9HUH and WD0JRD, I have to say a hearty amen to all.
I had a severe interference problem with my neighbor who uses TCI Cable.  I
started isolating the problem by installing a pair of rabbit ears on his TV
while I loaded up the kilowatt.  There was absolutely no problem at all at
that point.  I reinstalled the cable and the RFI was back.  I then called TCI
to discuss the situation and they wouldn't talk to me.  There contention was
that the person who is having the problem must report it.  They were too
legalistic to be practical.  I offered that info to my neighbor and let him
run with it at that point.  

Cable systems tend to be very leaky - if you can hear the birdies from the TV
oscillator in your receiver when the cable is connected, you can be sure that
your RF will be getting into their system as well.  Hope your problem is
resolved soon.

Bob Trout

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