[RFI] Cable TV

Hare, Ed, W1RFI Hare, Ed, W1RFI" <ehare@arrl.org
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 09:02:22 -0500

>This is for Dan WA0JRD or anybody else who might be trying for his
>WAN award via cable TV....

>Also the ARRL has a vast amount of info availabe to help
>you explain to your neighbors it is not your problem but it is their
>equipment that is functioning improperly and acting like a radio
>reciever and picking up your signals.....Good Luck if I can help in any
>way just ask....Been there done that

73 Ted Wilhelm

Hi, Ted, 

Thanks for the update.  TCI is actually one the good guys, overall. See
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/rfiteljx.html for info about another cable TV
RFI problem related to wireless modem jacks being installed by TCI.  So far,
things are moving along toward resolution.

Those who want ARRL info can go to http://www.arrl.org/tis and download a
number of RFI information packages prepared on RFI. (A few of them need a
bit of updating, but they are still useful.)  Among those packages is a text
copy of our "Consumer RFI pamphlet" that explains interference to neighbors.

The new ARRL RFI Book is probably the best source of info on RFI problems,
ranging from theory to diplomacy to troubleshooting to specific info on
various RFI problems.  The book has a separate chapter on Cable TVI; that
chapter contains a reprint of a 3-part article I wrote and published in
Communications Technlogy, the journal for the Society of Cable Telecasting
Engineers.  Cable companies trust that publication, so that will be a
valuable tool in helping them to understand how to fix leakage out of, and
into, cable TV.

The book also contains a reprint of the FCC "Interference Handbook," that
says the right things, right from the FCC's mouth.  A few years ago, I
worked closely with the FCC team that put it all together; there are even a
few of my words in there. :-)  The FCC publication can be downloaded from

Part 76.605, the cable TV FCC rules, requires that a cable company deliver a
quality signal to their subscribers.  One of the provisions is that their
video carrier have a 43 dB carrier to noise ratio and a 51 dB carrier to
"coherent disturbance" ratio.  Amateur signals leaking in are generally
coherent disturbances. (Our neighbors believe them to be noise, but perhaps
you can convince them that they get more protection from interference if
they call us coherent. :-)   ).

Ed Hare, W1RFI
ARRL Lab Supervisor

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