[RFI] Fwd: [psk31] RFI

Kelly Boswell kboswell@aetn.org (Kelly Boswell)
Tue, 25 May 1999 16:26:12 -0500

Because the purpose of the following message deals with RFI issues, I'm
taking the liberty of forwarding/posting it here. (with permission of the
original author).  Should this be deemed inappropriate, flames should be
directed (privately and politely) to me.
73 de Kelly, KA5MGL, kboswell@aetn.org

[beginning quote]

For those you you who may be trying to get on 17 meters, I have discovered
that the Frequency 18100.15 was filled with an unusual noise that sounded
like some sort of computer hash.  Someday it was there and some days it was
not.  I have discovered that it was actually coming from my second computer
system in the house.  With the monitor turned off the noise wasn't there.
I did a little troubleshooting and discovered the following.

Monitor is a CTX VL-710 17 inch multisync monitor Plug n Play

With the monitor set for 800 x 600 resolution the noise was present.  any
other resolution was fine.  I then discovered that the last time I had to
rebuild my windows installation (this is starting to become a real pain),
did not load the specific driver for the CTX monitor, but rather the
standard MS driver for plug and play monitors.  It looks like I was having
problem with the horizontal scan frequency.  With the correct driver
I get no RFI now anywhere on the radio.  Evidently, if you use the
scan frequency, this monitor just sings all kind of harmonics which were
being picked up by may antenna located 50 feet from the house.  Whit the
antenna disconnected, you could not tell there was a problem.

Hope this help anyone who might be experiencing the same sort of RFI

de Jeff  KD5YG
[ending quote]

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