[RFI] RFI on voice keyer cable

Robert Brandon Robert Brandon <rbrandon@austin.ibm.com>
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 16:06:31 -0500

A friend of mine is working to fix an RFI problem at the University of 
Texas club station, N5XU.  He's hooked up a digital voice keyer (DVK) PC 
card to a TS-850 and it's picking up RF.  Any comments would be 
Robert K5PI
  I built a new cable to connect the W9XT DVK to the TS-850SAT (our old
cable has 4-pin mic connectors on it) and it works, but it's picking up RF,
like the packet cable was.  This new cable is really two 4-conductor cables
spiral-wrapped together I have the shields of both cables and the D-shell 
the computer end all tied together.  The two cables' shields are not 
to either of the mic connectors at the other end.

   Y'all may not know the answers, but...

1) What should I do with the cable shields?  Did I do right?  Or should 
   "float" free of both the computer ground and the radio ground?

2) If I put ferrites on the cable, do you suggest putting them near the
   computer end or the radio end?

3) Any other ideas?

   I'm trying to get as much of the station in top shape for the contest
season as I can.

   So, I played around with the TS-850SAT and the cable for the W9XT DVK 
some tonight.  I had some Radio Shack ferrites (4) lying around (they've 
quite succesful in defeating the RFI our computers face) but as near as I 
tell, even four of these ferrite donuts do nothing for this problem, either 
near the radio or near the computer.  Which is really disappointing, as 
work really well on the computer cables.  I tried disconnecting the cable
grounds from each other and the connector shields, and that didn't seem to
make any difference.

    I connected the radio ground to the case of the PC in question, and 
actually cut down the RFI a lot - by about 65-70% is my guess.  But it 
eliminate it completely.  Is this a clue?  Should I try connecting the 
grounds to the PC ground via the connector again (which would require
soldering, which I'm not going to do tonight, but might try if it seems

    This is by far the most difficult RFI problem I've ever seen at N5XU.
And all of this is at low power, BTW.  Plug the microphone directly into 
radio, and the problem goes away _completely_.


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