[RFI] 2.4 GHz Phones

EDWARDS, EDDIE J EDWARDS, EDDIE J" <eedwards@oppd.com
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 08:44:20 -0500

I have found drastic differences in susceptibility depending only on where a
particular phone is plugged in within my house.  The differences in wiring
can make one phone more susceptible than others.

When dealing with RFI to a cordless phone, you must determine whether the
RFI is due to the RF overload getting into the RF section of the phone, or
if it is just ordinary "audio rectification" which has nothing to due with
the phone's RF section at all.  My guess is that most of what we get with
phones, especially 900MHz or 2 Ghz models, is probably just audio
rectification like any other non-cordless phone RFI problem.  Common mode
chokes should fix these most of these problems.

de ed -K0iL

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	dgsvetan@collins.rockwell.com [SMTP:dgsvetan@collins.rockwell.com]
> It would be interesting to know what specs the Uniden system is designed
> to
> meet.  I hope that anyone having the information will pass it along.
> Thanks.
> 73, Dale, WA9ENA
> ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
> Prior messages:
> I own this phone same system, and I can tell you that it is NOT RF immune
> in my house during HF all-band contests. Quite the contrary.
> I also have a Uniden cordless phone (900 Mhz?) and it is absolutely quiet
> during the same periods.
> 73/Jeff K2KV

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