[RFI] LCD Monitor PS problem fixed
Eric Gustafson
Eric Gustafson <n7cl@mmsi.com>
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 11:41:24 -0700
Hi Mark,
Don't discard that old NEC PS. Send it back to them with an
explanation of why its useless to you and ask for a refund. Ask
them to send you a copy of the FCC Part 15 compliance
measurements for the monitor / PS combination because you can't
believe that it is compliant as a system. You may or may not get
anything back from them. But they will have to spend time
internally discussing it, making that decision, notifying you one
way or the other, etc. Ultimately, that supply will cost them a
lot more than it would have cost to just use a quiet one in the
first place whether they do right by you or not.
We get more of what we tolerate. Absent this kind of feedback,
they have made the correct decision (from their business
standpoint) to just screw everyone that can't use a noisy supply.
If they have to correspond with even a realtively small number of
customers for this problem, they will be far more motivated to
elevate the consideration of this issue in the future. It won't
hurt to let them know that this problem is frequently discussed
in a public forum devoted to the issue (for instance, anyone that
watches this reflector and buys an RCA TV deserves what he gets).
That way, the manufacturers can be put on notice that there is a
possibility that at least some small fraction of potential
customers (those who care about the issue) have a means to know
who makes noisy stuff and how they deal with customers about
noise problems _before_ making their purchase decisions.
The dirty little secret is that a quiet (enough) supply doesn't
really cost significantly more to produce than a noisy one. But
the issue must at least be on the radar screens at design time or
it will always be overlooked.
73, Eric N7CL
>Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 08:03:39 -0400 (EDT)
Snip... (noisy NEC monitor PS discussion)
>I found the section on Power supplies and and a section from a
>company called ELPAC, I e-mailed them with my problem and a
>Engineer e-mailed me back very promptly with the PS they sold
>that might work or if I had any other questions to contact them,
>well I ordered a switching PS from them #MI2612-760 $90.00
>(worth it to me)
>I have had it now a week and I am still trying to find some
>noise from it but I really can,t except a little up in the LW
>region but not much. I just wanted to pass on this info because
>as Flat panel monitors in the future become maybe? more widely
>used other hams or sw listeners may run into this problem,
>The one that came with my monitor ended up in the garbage.
>Best 73,s Mark Zavatsky K1ZZZ Fairfield,CT.
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