[RFI] FW: TV set RFI questions

Pete Smith Pete Smith <n4zr@contesting.com>
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 14:22:08 +0000

At 09:14 AM 7/24/00 -0500, EDWARDS, EDDIE J wrote:
>Below is an example of why RFI is such a problem for consumers.  This is a
>response by Panasonic to my questions about TV RFI.  Even TV manufacturer's
>don't seem to understand the problem, or at least their customer service
>folks don't have a clue at all.  I'll probably get the same response from
>JVC as well.  Sony just e-mailed me their 800 number which has a VRU that
>dead-ends me at a busy signal every time.  Lot's of help that is!  I won't
>be buying Sony this time.

ARRL HQ used to maintain a list of engineering contacts at the various
companies who were more knowledgeable than the 800-number crowd.  You might
try an e-mail to W1RFI@arrl.org.

These days, an awful lot of 800-number customer service is being outsourced
to telemarketing shops where the only info the people have is what they
have been given in their script.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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