[RFI] New house wiring/Verizon
Chris Adams
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 09:18:05 -0700
Our remodel was for all practical purposes a new house. Our electrical
contractor wired up cable, phone and LAN. We used shielded CAT 5 for
both phone and LAN and whatever the regular coax is for TV/video
(RG-11?). Also had the fire/smoke alarm folks use shielded cable as
well. I then put some of the clip on ferrites throughout the house
before the drywall went up.
I would insist your subcontractor use shielded CAT-5 (or whatever cable
you use).
Speaking of cable, I was speaking with the AT&T broadband folks yesterda
y about cable network, etc and they would have used regular phone line.
However, I can't tell you if anything works yet as we haven't moved back
in. I should know more next week.
chris, n4vi
ke2n@cs.com wrote:
>I am building a new house. Electrical contractor has suggested using
>Verizon to do the comm wiring (www.verizoncsi.com). This will be phone, cable tv/video and LAN.
>Has anyone got experience with this? (it's an east coast operation)
>Is it worthwhile using shielded LAN and phone cables? Verizon says theirs are unsheilded (they use coax for the video of course).
>Any other hints for new house construction?
>Thanks, Ken
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