[RFI] Speedstream DSL modem
Richard Zalewski
Sat, 4 Jan 2003 08:25:08 -0700
I have Speedstream 5667 and like you I find that the worst problem is 40M
even at low power levels. I have ferrite everywhere. I think the problem
is the power cube. It is a 17VAC wort so I expect the only solution for me
is to build a bullet proof 17VAC power supply. If you have any other hints,
please let us know.
Dick W7ZR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Ogden" <na9d-2@speakeasy.net>
To: <ka5s@earthlink.net>; "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj@hotmail.com>;
<rfi@contesting.com>; "Richard Zalewski" <w7zr@citlink.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [RFI] Speedstream DSL modem
> I have a Speadstream 5260 DSL modem and have had it for about 2.5 years
> On the higher HF bands, I generally don't have a problem with it. On 80m
> when I run high power, it gets knocked out. But that's OK, I don't run
> on 80 except for contests. And it comes back pretty quickly when I stop
> transmitting.
> At this time, I have no ferrites on any cords. What I am using is high
> quality CAT-5 cable on all lines. One thing that may help my situation
> though is that my DSL line was put in when they were still running
> lines. I don't share it with my house phone wiring. So it comes up from
> the basement where it comes into the house and is a single run of cat-5
> grade cable to the room where the modem is (which happens to be the ham
> shack).
> I guess I've just decided to put up with the interference I have as it
> all that bad....
> 73,
> Jon
> NA9D
> on 1/3/03 12:00 PM, Cortland Richmond at ka5s@earthlink.net wrote:
> >
> > I worked on RFI and EMC problems associated with DSL, both CAP/RADSL and
> > DMT. The telco portion has mandatory immunity testing (under Telcordia
> > GR-1089 and telco addenda to that) so is pretty good. But the
> > Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) end, where signals may be only
> > microvolts, these have no immunity requirement. Conducted noise at
> > residential installations may be in the millivolts -- or even volts --
> > it's easy to see the problem.
> >
> > I've seen a specification for *one* vendor's modem that required
> > 20 dB below Part 15, a good figure, I think. But immunity, especially to
> > noise in the power, was a particular problem in one modem I worked with.
> > solved it, though I don't believe they changed the design -- and then we
> > changed from CAP/RADSL to DMT in the next iteration.
> >
> > Cortland
> >
> >> From: Richard Zalewski <w7zr@citlink.net>
> >> Subject: Re: [RFI] Speedstream WiFi network
> >>
> >> May not be 100% on topic but I have a SpeedStream DSL external modem
> >> has LOTS of problems with HF RF and even low levels. AND the company
> >> not interest in advising or fixing the problem.
> >>
> >> Dick W7ZR
> >
> >
> >
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