Wiley Sanders wsanders at wsanders.net
Mon Jan 27 09:34:28 EST 2003

Ooops! Hit 'send' too early:

anyway.. the pixel count of the LCD has to match the pixel count of the 
resolution you
are sending to the screen, or the display looks crummy.

Likewise, buying an 18" display instead of a 17" will not get you any more 
pixels. However, the diplay will be bigger which might help the eyes.

I have a MAG 17" with speakers which I bought at Best Buy for $399 (after 
participating in their rebate scam to get a $100 discount) and it is a very 
nice display, no dead pixels, and completely quiet on RF as far as I can tell.

The MAG runs off 12VDC too which means you could run the LCD panel off 
emergency power easily.

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