Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Mon Jan 27 14:30:10 EST 2003

At 09:34 AM 1/27/03 -0800, you wrote:
>I have a MAG 17" with speakers which I bought at Best Buy for $399 (after 
>participating in their rebate scam to get a $100 discount) and it is a 
>very nice display, no dead pixels, and completely quiet on RF as far as I 
>can tell.
>The MAG runs off 12VDC too which means you could run the LCD panel off 
>emergency power easily.

Sounds like you have the big brother of mine, which runs 1024x768 quite 
nicely, though I never use it.  800 x 600 is plenty for these old eyes.  My 
point was that you shouldn't assume that since you use a 15" CRT you need a 
15" LCD -- in fact the viewing area is closer to a 17" CRT.

It's interesting that MAG is now the same company as Proview, whose LCD 
displays are often among the cheapest around.  Putting the MAG name on this 
one was worth $10 over the Proview equivalent on TigerDirect.

73, Pete N4ZR
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