[RFI] Interference

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 10 15:56:31 EDT 2003

Hi Paul,

It would help if you described the interference you are having on 20 meters. 
  Is it a pulse type noise of fixed frequency; is it a hash noise; is it 
continuous or sporadic?  does it come and go randomly or with regularity?  
Is it a clicking noise or modulated tone?  (BPL?) And so on.  Observing its 
characteristics such as time of day when it is there or if it's there all 
the time can help track it down.  I have a friend who receives strong hash 
on 15 meters but only when his yagi is pointed in a certain direction, which 
happenes to be right at a cell phone tower a mile or two away.  I'm not 
extremely familiar with how these things work but apparently there is some 
sort of switching function or something that puts out 21 MHz hash.


Rob Atkinson

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