Craig Clark jcclark at prexar.com
Thu Sep 11 13:08:59 EDT 2003

>    1. high noise level... (Paul Walsh)
>Thanks to everyone that has replyed to my first posting with help,
>I am not currently using a balun on the quad, so i will make one today =
>and see if this makes any difference.
>The noise seems to be a continuos 'hash' which doesnt change at all. It =
>always seems to be there, but sometimes not as strong. I sometimes =
>notice that it dissapears from about 7:40AM and returns around 12:30PM, =
>but this is not always the case. Im begining to think that the strength =
>of the noise varies on the weather, but im not sure on this.
>The nearest powerlines are some 1/4 mile away from the antenna, but it =
>is above telephone lines. Could these be causing the noise? even though =
>the noise dosent vary by a noticable amount when winding the tower up to =
>50ft from 25ft.
>G3PJV..From w8ji at contesting.com Thu Sep 11 07:51:52 2003

Light dimmers, variable speed motor/fan controls, touch lamps all create 
noise and hash. leave your radio on and turn off the power to different 
sections of your house. See if the noise stops when one part loses power.
I could also be bad clips on the power line. These are some places to 
start.. Good luck

73, Craig Clark, K1QX

PO  BOX 209
603 899 6957

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