[RFI] My power line noise problems, revisited (Warning, this is long!) No...

CliffHazen at aol.com CliffHazen at aol.com
Thu Feb 5 22:36:33 EST 2004

Write letters to your local papers, local politicians, state legislators and 
state utility regulators.  Don't highlight the RFI problem as number one, but 
use the line maintenance safety issue.  People listen to this if you can take 
pictures of damaged insulators and document, visible rf arcing at night, rf 
burns on poles and hardware, damaged rotten poles and any local examples of 
utility company lines or poles falling on homes or businesses.  Also contact the 
state utilities regulator for any public records of failed maintenance by the 
utility in the past.
Make the utility wish they had listened to and dealt with your RFI problem in 
the beginning.  If they are a private corporation, start a mailing campaign 
to their shareholders and board members.
gl es 73
Cliff N7HIY

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