[RFI] YA Power Line Noise Story - You gotta DIY, except the dangerous part

W Sanders wsanders at wsanders.net
Thu Feb 5 22:27:50 EST 2004

[Hey guys, thanks in advance for not including the ENTIRE article in
your response.]

I wouldn't come down too hard on these guys for being ignorant. They
are timed to the minute on each service call. If you get hold of the
right people, and know what to fix, things get fixed. For example,
after 6 months, 3 letters, and complaints to the FCC and California
PUC, PG&E finally came out and fixed the loose guy wire in front of my
house that was causing S9+20 noise on 20 - 10m. They even replaced the
120/240V drop to my house, but maybe that was getting ready to fall
apart too like all the rest of their equipment. Now the noise is only
S5 on 20 and 10, and S7 on 15. Oddly, 80 is my quietest band, followed
by 160.

They did spend the better part of two afternoons on the street, once
they knew exactly which the worst offending poles were. The lineman was
up in his bucket, and he was impressed when I (standing *well away*
from the bucket truck) turned up the volume all the way on my portable
SW radio so he could hear the huge blast of static every time he poked
at all the loose junk with his hot stick. It was a learning experience
for both of us and he replaced all the 14kV hardware on that pole and
the next.

Now, only 500 poles to go. I have S7 or louder noise everywhere within
a 1/2 mile radius of my house. I guess noise DFing is going to be my
ham radio job for a while.

-Wiley KF6IIU

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