[RFI] BCB Noise in Ford Expedition AND OTHER FORDS
Mike A. King - KM0T
scsueepe at mtcnet.net
Tue Feb 10 13:42:07 EST 2004
Hi all, with the below included previous messages and information from Dave
on his Sport Trac, I decided to test a ford Excursion. I got one from the
local dealer, a XLT 2000 model and it exhibits the same exact RFI as
indicated below.
With that (and getting a tip from an AM radio show on car stuff) I went to
This is a website that has all kinds of maintinance info in cars, trucks
etc. along with TSBs - Technical Service Bulletins. Although your not able
to download the TSBs (unless you subscribe for a fee), you can at least
search and see if a specific problem has been addressed by the manufactuer.
This may be old news for some, but I thought I would post it here.
Anyway, I found two TSBs for Ford Excursions.
For the 2001 - 2002 models
02-16-4 AUG 02 Audio System - Whining/Buzzing Noise From
For the 2000 model
01-7-3 APR 01 Fuel Pump - Whine Heard Through Radio Speakers
My guess is that the Expedition has similar or the same TSBs.
So, I called the dealer and asked if he was familiar with the TSBs and if he
would look these up. He called back and indicated that both of these TSBs
were essentially the same and If I bought one, he would install the filter
that was discussed in the TSB. Perhaps this is the same filter "CorCom
EMI/RFI ac line filter" discussed in Daves post below. He did not offer to
show me the TSB.
Now, this would solve the fuel pump RFI, but for sure there is spark
interference as indicated by the changing whine as the RPMs were varied.
Looks like that shielding the spark plug wires is the way to go as
discussed, looks like quite a job however.
Does anyone know of a way to get the dealer to do this too? The wiring
harnesses for the 10 spark plugs in the Excursion look to be well taped up
and grouped real good with other bundles of control wires inside of a flex /
corregated PVC tube. It would be a pain to do for sure.
Any suggestions welcomed!
Mike - KM0T
PS - I find it hard to believe that Ford, with such a noise in their factory
AM radios would not fix it under general productions, what a crock!
----- Original Message -----
From: "david jordan" <wa3gin at erols.com>
To: <JoshDC at aol.com>
Cc: <rfi at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [RFI] BCB Noise in Ford Expedition
> Hi Jim,
> I have a Ford 2001 Sport Trac....I found three sources of RFI in the
> vehicle.
> 1. - spark plug wires ( removed all radiation by running spark wires
> inside 1" braid that is grounded at the firewall, just above the ignitor)
> 2. - fuel pump noise ( removed by installation of CorCom EMI/RFI ac
> line filter at the fuel pump harness closest to the fuel tank)
> 3. - ABS brake sensors (pending...plan to sheild sensor harness)
> The RFI from the sources above present themselves as follows:
> 1. noise occurs when engine is running, idle or in motion
> 2. noise occurs when the engine is running, can be masked by ignition
> noise. Can be heard when ignition key is turned to start engine but not
> cranking)
> 3. noise occurs only when vehicle is in motion, can be masked by 1 and
> 2. noise speeds up and slows down with speed of vechicle.
> Before remedies were applied for 1 and 2 AM reception was almost
> impossible. After resolving 1 and 2 I can now receive (when no in
> motion) weak low power AM stations such as those used for parking
> information at airports at distances of up to 10 miles.
> Have Fun,
> dave
> wa3gin
> JoshDC at aol.com wrote:
> >My colleague has terrible noise afflicting AM broadcast band reception in
> >2000 Ford Expedition (Eddie Bauer model) with 8 cyl. 5.4L engine. Ham
> >reception is virtually impossible. The BC radio is standard factory
model. BC
> >AM signals are covered over with lots of noise, rendering AM BC stations
> >unlistenable unless he is within their city-grade 5 mv/m contours. Any
tips for
> >remedying, or at least bringing down the level of, the noise/hash
problems in
> >this particular vehicle? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
> >
> >Jim K3JW
> >Washington DC
> >jim at newworldradio.com
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