[RFI] Response to news FCC okays BPL proposal

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Feb 13 17:00:08 EST 2004

At 04:12 PM 2/13/04 -0500, CliffHazen at aol.com wrote:
>I've heard comments inside the electrical power industry on BPL that there is
>expectation that many amateur radio operators will not complain because it is
>their only option for high speed low cost internet access and VOIP in rural
>areas with no cable or dsl options.  Many amateurs have already chosen to 
>in those areas for low noise rx conditions and may be willing to sacrifice
>living with extra rf noise to keep peace in their internet family.

Whistling in the dark.

>Look how few amateur radio comments there were to the FCC on BPL, less than
>1% of us.

Over 5000 people who took the trouble to enter comments?  I'd say that's 
really pretty remarkable.

>The power industry knew that there would be too much resistance if they tried
>to use the commercial broadcast FM or TV bands because of the potential of
>millions of interference complaints.

So they stepped on FEMA instead?

>A large number of amateur operators now restrict their operation is some way
>now to have peace in the house and with neighbors because of lowest cost
>design in home electronics; no rf shielding, inadequate filtering.

Look, why don't we wait, see what the NPRM says (not some half-page press 
release), take a little time to analyze it and *then* have this discussion.

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the World HF Contest Station Database
Updated 9 Jan 04

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