[RFI] BCI filters, WAS: Help with broadcast interference

Morse, Earl (E.A.) emorse at ford.com
Mon Feb 16 10:03:29 EST 2004

I sent the first response from an unsubscribed email account.  Here it is again.

Here are some available filters that may help with the BCI/160 issue.

40 dB bandpass filter for 160

HPF filter 

ICE Bandpass filter
http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/ice/filtersrf.html#4 <http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/ice/filtersrf.html>

I can't believe that ICE said they couldn't help you. They must have been 
confused by all the numbers. With these filters you can get at least 40 dB of 
rejection with a BCB high pass filter and another 40 dB with a 160 meter band 
pass filter. If that doesn't do it then the BC rf is finding another path into 
your radio.

If contesters can run KW stations next to each other with antennas in close 
proximity with these filters then you should be able to get rid of the BCI.

It may not be cheap. I just spent $600 on a pair of used Dunestar filters to 
run two hf stations side by side but that is for all bands on 2 stations.


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