[RFI] Honda Accord EMC?

Howard Lester hlester at mmto.org
Tue Jan 20 07:49:01 EST 2004

 > Anybody got direct experience with a Honda Accord EX?
> It looks like I can use their MP3 trim package, and
> install my 706mk2 in the dash.

Jim, What is the MP3 trim package? I have a 2004 EX and may need some aids
for mounting my little Yaesu 2 meter. (I can mount it on the side of the
'console' by my right leg, but maybe there's a better way.)

 > One thing I found, using a Larsen mag mount for 2 meters,
> and running the coax into the trunk...after a good rainstorm
> there were 3" of standing water in the spare tire well.
> You simply cannot compromise the weather seals!

My suggestion is Larsen's trunk lid mount. The coax begins its route
underneath the trunk, not from above.

Howard Lester N7SO

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