[RFI] Re: BPL interference with public safety

Tim Groat tcgroat at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 17 11:53:11 EDT 2004

To cite a specific case, the California Highway Patrol uses VHF-Low band 
radios (around 45MHz). This band covers the remote mountain and desert 
areas using fewer fixed sites than would be needed for VHF-High band, UHF, 
or trunked systems. Longer wavelengths propagate better on 
diffraction-limited paths, which is what CHP must deal with outside of the 
major urban corridors. The need to communicate over difficult weak-signal 
paths is one reason they stay with this "old tech" system. This is spectrum 
where BPL systems operate, and where "legal" levels of interference can 
prevent critical communications.

--Tim (KR0U)

>"Dave Bernstein" <dave.bernstein at comcast.net>:
>Every public safety or law enforcement agencies rely on wireless 
>communications, but most of this is VHF and above, which as I understand 
>it is not threatened by BPL. It would be helpful to identify those 
>agencies that rely significantly on HF frequencies; they should be 
>candidates for special attention.

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