[RFI] This'd help in some areas

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at comcast.net
Sat Jul 17 14:00:26 EDT 2004

See Mike's comment, below...mine beneath them.

Doing an Ed Hare style video of a state highway patrolman sitting
in his cruiser trying to copy a dispatch thru BPL hash on his
low-band VHF radio would be very valueable IMO. It is much
harder to dismiss the relavance of mission critical public safety
communications than those of a hobbyist. Heck you could even
do an control test outside the BPL area like Ed did to demonstrate
the degree of the degradation caused by the BPL system. This is
your clearly received emergency  dispatch, this is your not so
clearly received emergency dispatch on BPL - any questions?

73 de Mike, W4EF.............................

I recently reviewed technical proposals for voice and data interoperability
systems for DOJ.  While there are a lot of legacy systems out there, many
have long switched over to either high-band repeat, or 800 MHz trunking
In some areas of the country, lowband is still used at county level, and for
linking with fire and ambulance services.

The point of this is...in many of the BPL trials, lowband may not be used
any longer.  At best, it's questionable.  It'd be good to know how many
and counties still use lowband...and map the threat from there.

jimjarvis at ieee.org

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