[RFI] DFing power line noise

Rick Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Mon Jul 19 12:55:20 EDT 2004

Dave NØRQ said:
> Any suggestions for dealing with a power company that CAN'T
> do what Rick mentioned below -- that is, find the problem?
> so I can't identify the specific poles.  The utility is in essence
> clueless
> (toolless, really) about what to do.  I've written a nice letter,

My utility is fairly clueless as well.  What I had to do was,
first, get them out of denial (they thought their tools were adequate).
Got my own tools and had their RFI guy come out and observe
me using the tools to DF the noise.  What I did was build a
shielded loop for 2 MHz, get a gel cell and an HF transceiver
and walk the power line.  I showed this to the utility guy and
offered to make him a loop of his own.  He was real excited to get
this, because he had nothing but a CB whip for HF.  He did have
an RFI receiver that covered HF.  I am also planning to make
him an active whip for HF that he can carry around.  I also let
the guy hook up his receiver to my Yagi and I rotated it while
he measured.  You have to make a friend of the guy who does the
initial work.  I also had to speak in his defense to the maintenance
supervisor, who was skeptical of his abilities.  Interestingly, the
fact that I am an RF engineer didn't seem to matter much to them.

Rick N6RK

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