[RFI] Why we badly need "party line" materials for all hams

Dave Bernstein dave.bernstein at comcast.net
Mon Jul 19 14:37:42 EDT 2004

My comments are aimed at improving our chances of prevailing over BPL; they
do not target individuals. We cannot hamstring ourselves for fear of
offending those who've been leading the fight. Hopefully those leaders will
consider the suggestions, filter out what's inappropriate, and put the
remainder to good use.

My participation in this discussion began as a response to a post on the
towertalk reflector. After a few exchanges, we were asked to continue the
discussion here.


        Dave, AA6YQ

-----Original Message-----
From: rfi-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Dennis Berry
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 2:19 PM
To: aa6yq at ambersoft.com; 'Hare,Ed, W1RFI'; 'Richard (Rick) Karlquist
(N6RK)'; rfi at contesting.com
Cc: 'Hagy Jennifer, N1TDY'; 'Hobart, Mary K1MMH'
Subject: Re: [RFI] Why we badly need "party line" materials for all hams

This thread is becoming tiresome.  Dave, I'm sure you are an extremely
bright guy from the things you've said in here.  Ed, your dedication and
work on the BPL issue is well respected by many amateur operators I'm sure.
I know I respect your talents and efforts in this fiasco called BPL.

But this back-stabbing thread is consuming way too much time and bandwidth.
This is just what any opponents would want in this issue, us fighting
amongst ourselves.  Dave, unless you've 'walked the mile in his shoes', I
would ask you to reconsider the 'punches' you've thrown as you truly do not
know what his workload may be.

Enough of this BS.  Let's get this reflector back to informative technical
issues that it is excellent for.  And I have no intent of being dragged
through this thread.  I was just getting tired and had to finally voice an

Dennis Berry

> Given the magnitude of the threat we face, the ARRL should create 
> within itself a single organization responsible and accountable for 
> defeating BPL. All activities -- including PR -- should be driven by 
> this organization. Anything less is pulling punches, which we can ill 
> afford. No one in this organization should ever respond with "not my 
> bailiwick".
>     73,
>         Dave, AA6YQ

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