[RFI] Why we badly need "party line" materials for all hams

K4IA at aol.com K4IA at aol.com
Mon Jul 19 15:02:40 EDT 2004

I don't find this thread tiresome at all.  It is exactly the kind of  dialog 
that needs to happen.
Dave is right, we need to bridge the gap between the excellent technical  
work Ed has done and the techknownothings in the media.  Ed is right that  
resources are limited and he is not tasked with preparing such materials.  
They are both right but there is a large chasm between them and it is up to  
ARRL to fill that void.  Otherwise, hams are unprepared for media attention  
and those who do get interviewed sound like a bunch of old pharts whining about 
 the loss of their hobby.

I found Dave's analysis of the article brilliant.

Radio  k4ia
Fredericksburg, Virginia  USA

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