[RFI] Recording actual PS comms for BPL effects demo

Cortland Richmond ka5s at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 25 12:18:33 EDT 2004

I'm also no lawyer, but I imagine that sites which record transmissions are
probably violating the Communications Act. Sites which merely repeat (for
no charge) what's being received real-time are IMO lawful. 

Cortland, KA5S

> [Original Message]
> From: Richard (Rick) Karlquist (N6RK) <richard at karlquist.com>
> To: <ka5s at earthlink.net>; <rfi at contesting.com>
> Date: 7/21/2004 10:21:27 PM
> Subject: RE: [RFI] BPL
> > However... if I am not mistaken, recording and rebroadcast of public
> > service comms is forbidden by the Communications Act.  One would have to
> You may be right; I'm no expert on that.  I did see this web site:
> http://radioscanning.wox.org/Scanner/Sounds/sounds.htm
> with all kinds of recordings of police radio, etc.
> Could this web site be illegal?

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