[RFI] Benefits to power companies

Jim Miller JimMiller at STL-Online.Net
Sat Jun 26 22:49:19 EDT 2004

One thing I don't understand is why hasn't someone brought up the benefits
the power company is likely being promised for free or even better that they
are being paid for the use of their lines by upstart internet companies that
would use them to provide BPL.  The freebees would be that the power company
could use the new BPL system to read the meters and control power usage with
the newer appliances etc and most probably this benefit would be allowed to
them at no cost just for privilege of using their lines.  There would have
to be a significant disadvantage to overcome this cost savings(meter
readers, etc.) to cause the power utility to decide not to go ahead and
approve it.

What am I missing.

73, de Jim KG0KP

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