W0UN -- John Brosnahan shr at swtexas.net
Wed Mar 24 12:43:51 EST 2004


Gee, thanks (I guess).

It was just a quick and dirty note to feel like I had done SOMETHING.
If I thought it was going to be seen by more than a few ham friends
here on the RFI reflector and some poor, junior reporter who
probably wouldn't read it anyway I would have crafted a better letter.

Next time I will be more careful!    ;-)    My real point for posting it
was that no one else had said much and I hoped that my note would
inspire someone to write a GOOD response!

I actually tried to be nice and tried to be helpful in an attempt to get
the reporter to do a more serious investigation rather than just
rewrite a press handout.

Good luck and thanks.  My wife says I have to get away from the
computer today like I promised!    ;-)   Actually she said "Put your
hands up in the air and step away from the computer!"

73--John   W0UN

>2)  Brosnahan's letter to WSJ was on point.  John..I'm going to route
>it to my editor buddy, with a wraparound spin of my own...let's see
>what comes of it.
>73, N2EA
>jimjarvis at ieee.org
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