[RFI] BPL & Digital BC (AM) Radio

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Thu Mar 25 00:59:34 EST 2004

> I started wondering that while the new digital BC (AM) radio
> will solve the noise problem for radio listeners -- might not a
> 10KW digital signal between 540 & 1700 KHz wreak havoc
> with BPL?
> 73, doc kd4e

Not any more than existing analog AM transmissions. In either
case, BPL modems will high pass filter their RF inputs starting
around 1.7 to 2 MHz, so it is unlikely they will be affected by AM
broadcast systems. For those isolated cases where they are in
close proximity to an AM station operating high in the band
(e.g. 1500 - 1700 KHz), they may need special filters to get
adequate rejection. This is still a relatively simple problem for
them to solve. Sorry!

73 de Mike, W4EF...........

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