[RFI] Computer Monitor RFI

Don Allen w9cw at intergate.com
Sat May 8 10:07:57 EDT 2004

doc wrote:

> The Samsung Syncmaster 152N receives a weak review here:
> http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/article/0,aid,111739,00.asp
> The KDS RAD-5 gets a similar weak review here:
> http://www.ascully.com/modules.php?name=Reviews&rop=showcontent&id=111
> Anyone tested a higher quality LCD display that is also
> RFI-quiet, please?

When I purchased the RAD-5 in the late 2001, it was one of the highest 
rated affordable 15" LCD's.  Of course, these reviews were 
magazine-based, thus you may want to take the reviews with "a grain of 
salt."  Nevertheless, I've been extremely pleased with the unit and it's 
been trouble-free since purchase.

It had no dead pixels (still doesn't have any), excellent color 
saturation, resolution, and perfect geometry.  I always used 
Trinitron-based CRT monitors in the past, so I'm quite particular as to 
color rendition and depth.

Many monitor reviews appear to be based on how good they may be for 
gamers.  I'm not a gamer, thus I can't comment on it for that 
application.  But, for general ham use, including PSK, RTTY, logging, 
etc., it has been exemplary.

As to reviews, I also use them "to a point" when researching a 
prospective purchase.  But, if I use reviews to totally base a purchase 
decision, I would have never purchased a Kenwood TS-520S in 1978.  I 
must say, although the TS-520S is certainly not the highest-performing 
rig I've ever owned, it is most certainly the most overall pleasing rig 
I've ever owned over the long-term.  Absolutely no problems since 
purchase in March 1978, and it's still working perfectly today. 

Don W9CW

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