[RFI] RFI Services bullcrap smell test :)

Alan NV8A (ex. AB2OS) nv8a at att.net
Sun Oct 24 20:50:08 EDT 2004

I should point out that Mike did not raise the BPL issue at the meeting 
I attended. He referred to BPL only because he was asked a question 
about it.

Alan NV8A

On 10/24/04 06:57 pm Tom Rauch put fingers to keyboard and launched the 
following message into cyberspace:

>>When I'm asked a question, the answer will be only from my
> experience.
>>Whether it agrees with popular assumption or opinion or
> not, I can't control

> If people are leaving your talks with the impression that
> injecting power lines with small transmitters (BPL) can't
> and won't cause problems, maybe you should refrain from any
> talks until you figure out WHY people walk away with an
> impression so far from reality.
> This stuff certainly isn't rocket science. It's conventional
> well-established transmission line theory.
> Misinformation does far more harm than we ever might
> imagine.

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